Thursday 27 November 2008

Technical Analysis -Tom

What have you learnt from this exercise? In the duration of analyzing "Stumble and Fall" by Razorlight i found that when you actually watch a music video intensely, all the shots are actually very short, and snappy, nothing is shown for too long before the camera changes, keeping you on your toes whilst watching it. i also generously underestimated the amount of shots used to create just 3 minutes of footage. I've also learnt that watching a video over and over really puts you off the song!
How long are the shots? The majority of the shots in this video were short and snappy, around 1-3 seconds, and even when there was a longer shot, it was a montage of shorter snippets of footage combined. The short and snappy shots that are used add a illusion of speed to the song and keeps the viewer wanting more.
What shot size is predominantly used?
The video is crammed with close ups and mid shots, but every now and then cutting away to a long shot of the band in their entirety, but an observation i made was that the long shot used was always the same shot at the same distance and angle, where as the close ups and mid shots were varied intensely. The majority of the close ups were on the face of the lead singer, Johny Farrell and if the close ups were on the other band members it tended to be on their instruments instead. the lead singer close ups are crucial, as they are the meat of the video, allowing recognition.
How does the camera move?

during the video the camera is only ever static on the long shots, on all the other shots it will glide from side to side or in a kind of handy cam fashion get in and around the band members. this movement is what makes the video exciting, and fluid, constant movement attracts constant attention.
Are there any long static shots?
Long in duration, no, but long in distance yes. All the long shots in this video are static but very short and snappy, thrown in amongst the close ups and mid shots
Relationship with lyrics/music?
The lyrics and music are all as one, in time and we can evidently see the lead singer and band playing and singing the music and lyrics. as this is a performance video ti is purely showing off the bands talent and skill of their instrumental prowess.
Are any types of performance shots repeated?
No shots are directly taken and used twice but some shots are very similar, for example the close ups on the lead singer are the same sort of distance but from slightly varied angles.
What will you now use from this when planning your own work?
I will take into account the sheer amount of shots and footage needed to make a classy video and that they shorter and snappier, the better, in terms of performance filming. the lighting in the video really does make it what it is as well, so when planning to shot i will take that into account.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

useful comments tom please post a note that actual analysis is in folder so that examiner knows and also you need to embed teh track into the blog at the top.