Sunday 2 November 2008

0.5 Term Work Otherside - RHCP

Right.......... only done 1 lesson on this video stuff so here it goes

Happy birthday Anthony Keidis

This particular video demonstrates genre/band characteristics by using unorthodox visuals that together as a narrative doesn't make sense, Red Hot Chilli Peppers apparently took a different viewpoint when film in this particular video, the visuals, narrative and the notion of looking was based on German Expressionism. At the introduction of the video, the notion of looking is reffered to when the doctors are operating and the room spins round, this suggests drunkenness or under the influence of some sort of drug giving an anesthesic effect.Throughout this particular video it shows them in a different light, not being crazy, expressive and outgoing, but as a more relaxed band, singing about love and expressing his love through unorthodox lyrics " a Scarlet starlet and shes in my bed, a candidate for my soul mate bled"

The use of close-ups in this particular video is essential. Emphasis is put on either the singer or an instrument being played ( although instruments arent being played on the video, just objects that can relate to the instrument e.g. the rope for the bass guitar), a close up or med shot will be used on either the instrument of the person playing it. Long shots are also used to establish the setting, mood, showing the location and people in the location. In this video, the camera is oftenly zooming in and out, showing emphasis on the one man, reinforcing a band performance.

There is a definate relationship betweeen the music and the visuals, although they are not acturally playing the instruments; they are however using different tools that symbolise the instrument that is being played, e.g a rope for the bass guitar, (2.37), and also editing techniques are also in time with the drum beat.
In the performance scenes, (usually of the lead singer (Anthony)) are in full view, there are close ups on the faces of Anthony who is somewhat solemn in this particular video; the ideas created in this video aren't repeated in any of RHCP's other videos.
The video includes a number of intertextual referances, although it doesnt conform to Anthony Keidis' star persona, the messy hairstyles,and odd garments, contibute tho the rock scene and therfore add to the bands persona and meta-narritve. This allows the audience to immediatly recognize the genre the band and consequently, adding a relevant meaning to the song.
Unfortunately throughout this particular video there isnt any notion of looking, apart from when he is lying down and seems to be being operated on (1.20), however this is used as a transition technique and cuts to him lying underneath the dragon and introduces the 1st chorus.
This video is unlike other RHCP videos, and is not one of the main songs that are associated withing the red hot chili peppers brand. It would be consumed both ambiently and focused dependant on the person watching it, which means readings would vary (negotiated reading). In my opinion can and cannot be considered art, although it would be consumed ambiently as it has a catchy rift and recognizable chorus which one may sing along to. this song also has been influenced by german expressionism so art and culture have been used to produce this video.

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