Monday 3 November 2008

Jonas Oddel-WW

Jonas Oddel

Jonas Odell is a Swedish music video and film director and founder of Film Teknara who was born in Stockholm in 1962. He has directed a number of short films, music videos and commercials.
- Odell specializes in a mix of animation and live action.
- Plays with the psychoserotonal area of brain by using visual effects which are digitally created.
- Same white background in goldfrapp and franz ferdinand. Feeder starts off as a different style but then progresses into the old style.

Franz Ferdinand-Take me out

The visuals have a genreal relationship with both the music (use of instruments) and the lyrics (singer and words coming up on the screen)

CGI used to create special effects

Frequent close-ups of the lead singer - especially his mouth

Use of green screen to include band into the cartoon like special effects

Cuts in time to the music

Visual effects in time with the drum beat

1. Genre Characteristics

This particular video demonstrates definate rock genre characteristics, e.g. the use of band, guitars, drums , and lead singer. use of CGI and green screen is seen in many videos in the rock/indie genre, another example of Computer Generated Imagery in the rock genre would be "Zephyr Song" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. the

2. Relationship between lyrics and visuals

There is a definate relationship between lyrics and visuals in this video like most of Oddel's videos. for example, the lead singer singing the song throughout the song, in the 1st verse when there is a clip of his head on a robot's body(1.30 mins), this shows that there is a distinct relationship between the lyrics and visuals.

3. Relationship between music and visuals

Odell uses post production digital effectss and editing techniques to show that there is a relationship between the music and the visuals. an example of the special effects having a relationship with the music is the metal leg tapping on the ground to the beat of the song (2.43 mins). and example of the editing techniques being in time with the music would be the zooming in and out, the sharp cuts (1.42 mins) which are in time with the music.It's a montage of imagesthat have been put together in a strange, abstract way. That's what gives the video that strange, jerky, style that goes in time with the music.

4. Close-ups of star?

The demands of the record label have definately included lots of close-ups of the artist in this video, frequantly zooming in and out getting shots of his face and mouth. This is because the lead singer is the face of the band and needs to be reference frequently otherwise the bands sales would go down, the Franz Ferdinand brand has also been reinforced by the use of CGI by giving them robot bodies.

5. Notion of looking??

Not much notion of looking, mainly focussing on the star rather than his perspective

6. Intertextual References

none what so ever

Other videos

GoldFrapp- Strict Machine

Feeling a Moment- Feeder

U2- Window in the skies

Audiobullys- Shot you down


Ms Johnson said...

This is fine Will, some good points. You will need to develop analysis more, mentioning effects. connotations and purpose, and using more of the terminology you have been given. At the moment this is a level 3.

Will Walker + 12 said...

wahey b quality