Friday 28 November 2008

Institutional Research-Tom

What impact has the internet had on video consumption/ production?
The internet has had a massive impacting the way music and videos are consumed and produced. for a start the whole debate of illegal downloading can be included. there is also Youtube which you can which pretty much any video you want if u typein the title. this means we dont just have to watch tv and flick between channels in order to watch music tv, we can just watch it in bits as we want on demand. the video producers also have to allow that their video can be seen all around the worldso they have to be more careful in what content they use within the video.
Where downloading in invoilved, especiialy the illegal variety means people can get hold of the video for keeps,for free.
The site MySpace means that young and unsigned band can make their music and videos and broadcats it to the world on this sight so that music producers and companies can swopp in and use there music and help make them famous. it is a big glorified music channel for anyone who wants to make and display there music,no matter what the quality may be.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

This is fine Tom although could do with a bit more detail concerning issues surrounding music on the internet, ie copyright,social currency, impact on record companies etc