Wednesday 12 November 2008

This is the place Analysis- Tom

From discussion in class about our track the following ideas cropped up :

- evident city narrative , under a bridge???EG "Sun goes Down" -Arctic Monkeys
-possible black and white look on the video
- blurry camera, relevance to "junkies"
- narrative ideas includes getting someone pregnant, not begin able to deal with it but underneath wants to keep it-drug problems
-2:30mim an obvious change of pace in song, change in the narrative?
- use of fade transititions, slow song,no need for choppy cuts

Deconstruction acoording to Mr Goodwin

1. The genre of RHCP is rock.the generic conventions and characteristics include band playing, narrative, lead singer, unorthodox transitions into the next shot, and ofcourse close-ups. from the reasearch into my genre videos i have done i notice that alot of the videos, even if there is a anrrative theme, will still cut between the band rocking out, and the narrative story.i feel our video could do with a narrative story.

2. The lyrics used are very narrativable? and could be easily translated into visuals, as we have started to do in our moodboard. we will take an illustrative approach to our video as we want to show the performance for what it is, without amplifying it or distorting it too much.

3. the music has some very specific areas in which can be used in the visuals really well, for example when the deep bass is played there will evidently be a close-up of a bass guitar being played in a band set up. also around 2/3 into the song there is a change in tone, pitch and speed of the song, we will use this as a turning point in our visuals as well as in the music so it links in well.

4. Obviously, being a rock genre, and evident in almost all music videos, close-ups are essential, we need to allow the audience to become familier with the band and reconise each member for who they are and what they do. familiarity and repeatability is the key to a music videos sucess in this day and age. as we have not started our camera work yet we have not discussed any styles or particualr ways in which we are going to film the video but i feel taking a different and unique stylistic approach will really make the video a hit.

5. as we can see in the RHCP video, "Can't Stop" the use of notion of looking is used in the curved corner mirror in which we see the lead singer singing into it, warping his image and making the video alot mor einteresting, i feel it would be nice to add some of these themes into our video to create a sense of familiarity with the music we are using.

6. Intertextual refrences within music videos work well and have been known to be a success so looking into that area of ideas will definatly be thought about. as we are using some narratvie within our video we will definatly research similar themed storylines to get ideas.


MikeyHodge said...


Ms Johnson said...

yeah and it still isn't!